I’m going to QuiltCon Together and here’s a free printable for you to sort your lecture notes in style!
What’s QuiltCon?
QuiltCon is the now yearly quilt conference arranged by The Modern Quilt Guild and this is the first time I’m able to attend.
This is the first time it’s gone online and I hear the MQG is planning to add online portions to future in-person events, too, based on this year’s total success with thousands of new participants joining in thanks to internet connections. Excited is an understatement at this point to describe my feelings.
How Does QuiltCon Work?
Members of the guild can register before anyone else, but to attend the conference you don’t have to be a member.
Since this year the event is online only, if you hurry up, you can still join!
There are lectures to register for individually or with a full-lecture pass like I’ve done.
Then there’s the more obvious quilt show, which has its own registration fee.
Based on yesterday’s extremely helpful and inspiring webinar (it was recorded, so go find it on the QuiltCon website), I think the show will be amazing. There are high-quality photographs of each quilt front and back, a detailed description, and possibly an audio by the quilt maker themself, pondering their creation.
And finally, the workshops. I’m joining three of them! Teachers are from around the world and techniques cover a broad range. It seems some of them have seats available still, if you register quickly.
For eager shoppers, there’s also a virtual Vendor Hall with special deals for conference participants only.
While the conference dates are 18-22 February, you’ll have access to recordings until 24 February.
My Free Lecture Notes Printable
While conference lectures tend to make complete sense when scribbling them, later they may prove entirely useless, particularly if you can’t even find them.
Thanks to my excitement level increasing significantly during yesterday’s webinar on QuiltCon practicalities, I’ve just designed a simple PDF to use in GoodNotes during each lecture I attend. And I’m sharing it with you, too!
The PDF can be printed or imported to GoodNotes to use with Apple Pencil on your tablet.
- My paper size is the international standard A4, but it’s possible to print it on US Letter, too.
- When I download US Letter resources online, I put my usual A4 paper in the printer, but edit settings to US Letter at 100 %, so the printer thinks I’m using that size instead of A4.
- You can try to do it the opposite way instead.
I hope this resource will help you be more organised and maybe you get some fantastic ideas based on lectures you attend. Be sure to put it all down on paper or screen so you don’t forget!
Rounding Up
It’s a completely new experience to attend a quilt show and from what I’ve seen on blogs preevious years it’s going to be exciting, moving and mind-blowing to look at creations by talented quilters.
Next step is naturally to attend in person, but for now I’m grateful to join online. See you at QuiltCon and please let your friends know I’m sharing this PDF!